Sixteen Candles T-Shirts

Our Sixteen Candles t-shirts section featuring the classic 80s teen movie, Sixteen Candles. Sixteen Candles is one of those classic teen movies from the 80s that you can watch again and again. It stars Molly Ringwald as Samantha, Anthony Michael Hall as Farmer Ted, and Jake Ryan as the dreamboat of every 16 year old girl. Our Sixteen Candles t-shirts make a great gift for any fan of this cool 80s movie. All of our Sixteen Candles tee shirts are officially licensed tee shirts by their respective manufactures and not only look and feel great, but these tees are made to last. All of our 16 Candles t-shirts are in women’s sizes so please order accordingly.We frequently update our movie sections with new merchandise so if you don’t see the Sixteen Candles t-shirt that you are looking for, you probably soon will.

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